About us

Dear Sir or Madam,

Welcome to our homepage, and thank you for your "visit".

The partners in our law firm are active both in court and out of court, but equally deal with arbitration cases.

We are registered with all Local and District courts, and with the Higher Regional Court in Frankfurt.

Here some general facts about our practice:

  • The law firm was founded in 1991 by Cornelia Weicker, Lawyer.
  • Thilo Weicker, Lawyer, joined the firm in 1998 and it has operated since then as a partnership.
  • Our offices are situated in the centre of Darmstadt, a city located at the centre of the Rhine-Main area (about 30 km/20 miles south of Frankfurt am Main).
  • In addition to the areas of specialisation as allocated to the individual lawyers, we also undertake cross-border mandates in other European countries, particularly Italy and Spain.
  • We co-operate on a regular basis with law practices in:
    Rome, Milan, Palermo, Vicenza, Scalea - Italy;
    Alicante - Spain;
    London - Great Britain.

You can contact us by e-mail here - contact.

We would be pleased to welcome you to our offices, and thank you for visiting us here at our website.

Cornelia Weicker
Thilo Weicker

Cornelia Weicker & Thilo Weicker, Lawyers
Wilhelminenstrasse 7A · D-64283 Darmstadt · Telephone +49 (6151) 20771 · Fax +49 (6151) 294112 · info@anwaelte-weicker.de

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